Statement of Operations
FY 2021 (July 2020 – June 2021)
FY 2020 (July 2019 – June 2020)
Total Revenue
- 2021: $4,356,756
- 2020: $4,965,569
Contributed Income
Total Contributed Income Duke University Allocation Other University Support Annual Fund Other Projects and Programs Transferred in from Prior Years
Earned Income
Endowment Income
Total Expenses
- 2021: $4,356,756
- 2020: $4,965,569
Expense Breakdown
Total Fundraising (cash receipts)
- 2021: $4,719,258
- 2020: $3,277,754
Fundraising Breakdown
Current Operations (unrestricted) Capital Projects (temporarily restricted) Endowment (permanently restricted)